Closing workshop: Integrated HIV/AIDS prevention program for rural sustainable poverty reduction in Mai Hich commune.

Trang chủ » Sustainable Poverty Reduction » Closing workshop: Integrated HIV/AIDS prevention program for rural sustainable poverty reduction in Mai Hich commune.

On December 11, COHED organized and facilitated a closing workshop for the project: Integrated HIV/AIDS prevention program for rural sustainable poverty reduction in Mai Hich commune (HoaBinh province/Vietnam).

On December 11, COHED organized and facilitated a closing workshop for the project: Integrated HIV/AIDS prevention program for rural sustainable poverty reduction in Mai Hich commune (HoaBinh province/Vietnam).

At the
workshop, COHED’s Ms Pham Thi Hong reported results from the three-year
project. MrHa Cong The, Vice Chairman of People’s committee of Mai Chau
district, was also in attendance and expressed his appreciation for the
efforts by COHEDon sustainable development in Mai Hichcommune.

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